Tag Archives: digital citizenship

T4L meets Leading Learning

One of the projects I worked on over the summer was updating the Together for Learning (T4L) website. Conceived as a living document, the website sustains the influence, usefulness and currency of Ontario’s guideline document, Together for Learning: School Libraries … Continue reading

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Stop Pretending… #MakeSchoolDifferent

I am taking up Doug Peterson’s (@dougpete) challenge to contribute to the #makeschooldifferent conversation. Here are the five things that I think we need to stop pretending. Stop pretending that levelled books and classroom libraries create lifelong readers. Early readers … Continue reading

Posted in Advocacy & Leadership, Reading Engagement, Together for Learning | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Digital Citizenship for Inquiring Learners

More and more, educators are concerned about teaching citizenship in a digital world. The Association of Library Consultants and Coordinators of Ontario (TALCO) recently released an excellent resource for teachers to use as they help their students develop as responsible … Continue reading

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