Category Archives: Information Ethics

Digital Citizenship for Inquiring Learners

More and more, educators are concerned about teaching citizenship in a digital world. The Association of Library Consultants and Coordinators of Ontario (TALCO) recently released an excellent resource for teachers to use as they help their students develop as responsible … Continue reading

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The Myth of the Digital Native

For the past several years I’ve been on a bit of a mission to bust what I perceive to be a myth – the myth of the digital native / digital immigrant divide. How often have you heard (or said), … Continue reading

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Media Smarts Releases YCWW Phase III: Life Online

Are our assumptions about what kids do online accurate? This question is at the core of the approach the TALCO digital literacy project (Session 302 at Super Conference 2014) is taking. Media Smarts, the Canadian not-for-profit centre for digital and … Continue reading

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