OLA Super Conference 2009

OLA Super Conference 2009 website


The Social Web Goes to School:
Enabling 21st Century Learning

Mark Carbone, Chief Information Officer, Waterloo Region District School Board
Will Richardson, Connective Learning, Inc.
Roger Nevin, Teacher-Librarian, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Melanie Parrack, Executive Superintendent of Student Success, Toronto District School Board

Moderator: Anita Brooks Kirkland, Consultant, ITS, K-12 Libraries, Waterloo Region District School Board

Our students are tuned in, connected, learning and creating on the social web. Outside of school, that is. We know that this read/write web offers essential opportunities for 21st-century learners. Yet we exist in an educational environment of some paranoia about the real and perceived dangers of the web, where school districts filter Internet content, have rules against using social software, and where instruction about the Internet often focuses on the negative rather than harnessing the positive. How do we bridge this instruction disconnect? The panel members bring diverse perspective on the issues, but the common purpose of trying to reach common ground on how to resolve these issues and plug our students into learning.

Top Technology Trends – Balanced Libraries: Books, Bytes and Web 2.0:
K-12 Education & The New School Library

Walt Crawford, Director and Managing Editor of the PALINET Leadership Network
Paul Takala, Manager of Electronic Services, Hamilton Public Library
Anita Brooks Kirkland, Consultant, ITS, K-12 Libraries, Waterloo Region District School Board

Top Tech Trends ABKWhat technologies and trends should you be watching? What are “the big ideas” and “the small but mighty tools” for libraries as we begin 2009? Mobile devices and applications? Collaboration tools? Open source tools? Join our experts as they discuss trends, technologies and implementation considerations to be aware of and incorporate into our program and service planning. Always one of Super Conference’s most anticipated sessions!

K-12 Education & The New School Library presentation: TopTechTrends_K12Ed

Success Through Synergy:
Developing a Framework for Student Success

Janet Dixon, Head of Library, Waterloo Collegiate Institute
Sarah Bowler, Teacher-Librarian, Waterloo Collegiate Institute
Anita Brooks Kirkland, Consultant, ITS, K-12 Libraries, Waterloo Region District School Board

Find out how opportunity, ingenuity, and rich collaboration converged to create a positive force greater than we could ever have imagined! What began as a dream to create a school-wide focus on the inquiry process became an inspirational tale of success, that ignited a district-wide learning commons, and continues to enrich the quality of teaching and learning experiences throughout the board. Use the framework to create your own success story.

Session 1817 PP Presentation, Janet Dixon & Sarah Bowler
Session 1817 PP Presentation, Anita Brooks Kirkland

OLA Larry Moore Distinguished Service Award 2009, Anita Brooks Kirkland