OSLA Spotlight: The Great Web 2.0 Face-Off!
Carol Koechlin, Mark Carbone, Doug Peterson, Zoe Branigan-Pipe, Colleen Rampelt, Rick Budding, Roger Nevin, Diana Maliszewski, Di Bédard, Becky Rouse, Anita Brooks Kirkland, Dr. David Loertscher
There are tools, tools, tools, but this session will feature learn, learn, learn. Our eminent panel will have ideas – you bring yours. If we want to improve reading, writing, collaborative work, higher-level thinking, data representations, and research, what are the best Web 2.0 tools to use? Add your best ideas to those of the panel in a session dedicated to collaborative intelligence for kids!
This was a great game, pitting Doug Peterson’s Team Web 2.0 Plus 1 against Zoe Branigan-Pipe’s The Collaborators. Check out all of the tools, ideas, and learning boosts at the great website, collaboratively built by session participants. Be sure to participate in the survey on the site!
Great Web 2.0 Website: https://sites.google.com/site/oslahockeyfaceoff/
From Vision to Action:
Building an Online Library Learning Commons
Anita Brooks Kirkland, Consultant, Information Technology Services, K-12 Libraries
Janet Dixon, Head of Library, Waterloo Collegiate Institute
Becky Rouse, Itinerant Teacher-Librarian, ITS
Waterloo Region District School Board
Take a compelling vision, a unique situation, and strong, shared leadership, and the sky is truly the limit. The Waterloo Region DSB Library Learning Commons website is the product of a strong learning community and a model of strategic thinking. Above all it is a powerful learning space for all WRDSB students and a platform for supporting and collaborating with other teachers across the system.
Visit the WRDSB Library Learning Commons website: http://library.wrdsb.ca
Session presentation: