ECOO 2011

Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Conference 2011

Virtual Knowledge Building

With Carol Koechlin

Web 2.0 changes everything about collaborations today. Now teaching and learning partnerships no longer need to be staged in only physical environments. Educators and students can work together on units and projects, in virtual spaces anytime, anywhere on any device. We will share with our participants a virtual structure for developing high think learning experiences we call Knowledge Building Centres. Former assignments that were one-way directives are turned into collaborative conversations between the teacher, the teacher librarian, the students, and any other expert working on the learning experience. The KBC is a natural site for collaborations, where everyone is participating, contributing, discussing, creating, thinking, and producing together. Examples and templates will be shared on a workshop KBC for continued exploration and experimentation.

Visit the Virtual Knowledge Building Google site created for this session:

Imagine Your Library:
An invitation to Ontario’s educators.

Never got to do this as a Pecha Kucha at the conference, so I made it into a video.

The Great ECOO Face-Off!

Session Website:

Web 2.0 tools are all the rage, but how do they boost learning? Our two teams face off in three periods of play, jam-packed with ideas for using Web 2.0 tools to optimize student learning. This is the much- anticipated re-match of the highly entertaining and informative first face-off, held at the Ontario Library Association’s Super Conference 2011. Visit the first Face-Off website at:

Team 1: Doug Peterson, Captain. Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Education, University of Windsor Colleen Rampelt, Teacher-Librarian, Bluevale Collegiate Institute, Waterloo Region DSB Rick Budding, Elementary Itinerant Teacher-Librarian, Waterloo Region DSB

Team 2: Zoe Branigan-Pipe, Captain. Faculty of Education, Brock University & Hamilton-Wentworth DSB Roger Nevin, Teacher-Librarian, Adam Scott Collegiate & Vocational Institute, Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB, Diana Maliszewski, Teacher-Librarian, Agnes Macphail PS, Toronto DSB

Expert Analysts: Brenda Sherry, Technology Coach, Upper Grand DSB Peter Skillen, Manager, Social Media PD, YMCA of Greater Toronto

Host: Anita Brooks Kirkland, Consultant, K-12 Libraries, Waterloo Region DSB

Twitter Play-By-Play: Andrew Forgrave

Technical Director: Diane Bédard

ECOO Website